PS5とlogicool MX KEYSキーボードを接続できた話

PS5 関連記事

MX KEYSキーボードが、PS5でも使えた!


MX KEYSに付属のUSBレシーバーにMX KEYSを登録することで、PS5側でもキーボードを認識するようになりました




PlayStation 5 | Play Has No Limits | PlayStation
これだけ知っていれば大丈夫。PlayStation 5本体とPlayStation 5デジタルエディション、PS5おすすめのゲーム、PS5周辺機器と、DualSenseワイヤレスコントローラーのご紹介。

・SONY Playstation 5

プレイステーション5 正規の価格
43,978円(税込、PS5 Digital Edition)

【4月8日更新】新年度開始! 今週のPS5抽選販売・予約情報まとめ
 いよいよ新年度に突入した2022年。今週は映画「スター・ウォーズ」シリーズ全9作品をレゴの世界で楽しめる「レゴ スター・ウォーズ/スカイウォーカー・サーガ」が4月5日に発売される。PS5本体に関しては、ドン・キホーテやTSUTAYAが抽選販売を実施している。その他にも様々な店舗でも抽選販売が行なわれるだろう。

・ロジクール アドバンスド ワイヤレスキーボード KX800 MX KEYS



¥2,700 (2024/09/15 12:26時点 | Amazon調べ)

MX Keysには2022年03月現在、他にも種類があります

MacBook Air(M1, 2020)

PS5でMX KEYSキーボードを使ってみようとしたところ、「認識はしているようだがなぜか使えない」「文字を打っても反応しない」というケースがあったので手順をご紹介します




私はMacBook Air(M1, 2020)とlogicool のERGOM575というトラックボールを
※ちなみにMX KEYSとはMacBookはスムーズに接続されていたので、logicool製品でも機器によって違うようです…

参考リンク:Logi Boltワイヤレステクノロジー スクロールしていくとレシーバーの説明があります

Logi Boltワイヤレス テクノロジー - 安全、高パフォーマンス
Logi Boltは、高パフォーマンスのFIPS準拠ワイヤレス、最長10Mの安定した接続、マルチOS対応、プラグ&プレイ、最大6台のデバイスとのペアリングなどが特徴です



Macbookのように、差し込む先がUSB type-cしかない場合は下記のような変換器を使いましょう



MX KEYS(KX800)はUnifying接続ですが、必ず確認してから購入してくださいね


2【PC使用】「logicool options」のアプリをダウンロードする

Logicool Optionsカスタマイズ ソフトウェアをダウンロード
Logicool Optionsは様々な機能を提供し、ユーザーはマウス、キーボードおよびタッチパッドをカスタマイズして、生産性と創造性を高めることができます。

上記サイトから「Logi Options」をダウンロードします


Logi Optionsを起動(多くの場合はダブルクリック)



おそらく近くにMX KEYSがある状態だと、上記のようにキーボードの画像がある状態で立ち上がるかと思います

3【PC使用】USBレシーバーとMX KEYSキーボードを接続する




画面を戻り、この部分に「MX Keys」が認識されていたらOK!

はじめからこの画面に行って「MX KEYS」が接続されていたらそれでOKです

MX KEYSに付属している「Unifyingレシーバー」には最大6台の機器を登録できます





ここではどのような機器でMX KEYSキーボードを使えるのか が書いてあります
接続して使えたらラッキー!しか、logicoolが想定していない使用でのトラブルに関してはサポートなどはしませんよ!ということになりますので あくまで自己責任でお願いいたします

MX Keys Sキーボードを購入 - フルサイズまた | を購入ロジクール
MX Keys Sキーボードを購入。バックライト、カスタムショートカットキー、球状のキー、よりスマートなFnキー、絵文字キー、マルチデバイス、スマートアクションなどが特徴です

↓MX Masterシリーズのマウスもかっこいいですね‥


logi optionsはおそらく、「Mac」「Windows」「Chrome」「Linux」などのいわゆるパソコン上でのみ設定できるようです
iPadでのLogi Optionを使ったレシーバー設定はできませんでした


Logi Options上で「Easy -Switch」を開くとこのように、
MX KEYSの「1・2・3」に割り当てられているBluetoothが何なのか、が表示されます



 ※このページを開いて「Ctrl + F」を押すと検索窓が右上に開くので、

「MX KEYSは無線Bluetoothではだめだったが、Unifyingレシーバーを介してならOKだった、と同じようなことが書いてありました

下記の記事にて ざっくりと内容を翻訳し、それぞれのAmazonリンクも分かる範囲で貼ってみました


ロジクールのUnifyingレシーバーについて質問ですPS4でキーボードを使う事になりました折角なので自宅PCのキーボードも兼用で... - Yahoo!知恵袋
ロジクールのUnifyingレシーバーについて質問ですPS4でキーボードを使う事になりました折角なので自宅PCのキーボードも兼用できる、ちょっといい物を使おうと思い、ロジクールのMXKEYKX 800を購入しましたPCにはUSBのレシーバーで接続して、PS4にはBluetoothで接続する予定だったんですが、Bluet...



ファイナルファンタジーXIV: 漆黒のヴィランズ – PS4

¥3,600 (2024/09/18 21:45時点 | Amazon調べ)
¥10,658 (2024/09/16 19:11時点 | Amazon調べ)

The MX KEYS keyboard worked on the PS5!

Conclusion! By recognizing (registering?) the MX KEYS on the USB receiver that comes with the MX KEYS, the keyboard is now recognized on the PS5. By making the USB receiver that comes with MX KEYS recognize (register?) the MX KEYS, the keyboard is now recognized on the PS5 side as well!
A simple Bluetooth connection did not work, but the above method solved the problem!
I’ll write about it in detail.

A rough outline of the process

List of devices used

SONY Playstation 5
PS5 is difficult to obtain, but there are cases where it can be purchased by “Gold Point Card Credit Card Holders” of Yodobashi Camera (as of September 2021).
Please check your local stores to see when they will have them for sale!

Logitech(logicool) Advanced Wireless Keyboard KX800 MX KEYS

Insanely cool keyboard with numeric keypad
The matte look and the dim light are cool,,,!!!

MX Keys has other types as of 2022/03
I have not been able to verify the following, but I think the same procedure can probably be done…

Logitech(logicool) MX KEYS for Mac (US Array)
Logitech(logicool) MX KEYS mini KX700GR Minimalist (Japanese layout)
MacBook Air(M1, 2020)
Here is the PC I use as mothership, I was able to connect through the app on my mac with no problems

When I tried to use the MX KEYS keyboard with PS5, there were cases of “it seems to be recognized but for some reason it is not usable” or “it does not respond to typing”, so here are the steps

If you can’t connect via Bluetooth, try a receiver!

Let me give you a brief description of what I understand…
First of all, the Bluetooth connection of logicool products is very good.
However, depending on the surrounding environment and the compatibility of the device, it may be better to use the included USB receiver to connect to the device rather than the Bluetooth wireless connection.

I am using a MacBook Air (M1, 2020) with a trackball called ERGOM575 from logicool.
However, the connection was lost after waking up from sleep.
I have to make sure that the receiver and trackball are recognized.
I recognized the receiver and the trackball, and left the receiver plugged into my Macbook all the time.
The disadvantage is that I can’t use the USB port (it’s a USB port).
(The downside is that it fills up one USB port, but it’s still much better than being frustrated with the connection! (The disadvantage is that one USB port (plug) is buried.
(The downside is that it fills up one USB port, but it’s still much better than the frustrating connection!
Reference Link: Logi Bolt Wireless Technology

So let’s do it!

1【Using PC】Plug the included receiver into your PC.

Plug the included receiver into the PC
If your Macbook has only USB type-c, use a converter like the one below.
Even though they are inexpensive (about 700 yen for two), they are fully usable. 3 or 4 of them are very useful!

Anker products may also be a good choice

And if you’ve lost the included receiver, they also sell the receiver by itself!

Which connection method depends on each keyboard
The MX KEYS (KX800) is a Unifying connection, but be sure to check before you buy!

Seems like there’s a lot of variety, so check before you buy!

2【Using PC】 Download the “logicool options” application.
Download “Logi Options” from the above site

Once you’ve downloaded the app, launch it!

Launch Logi Options (double click in most cases)

You may be surprised to see that it looks like an old graphic, but that’s okay!
The app will launch.

If you have MX KEYS nearby, it will probably launch with a picture of the keyboard as shown above!
(Maybe this is all you need, but let’s check just in case)

3【Use PC】Connect the USB receiver to the MX KEYS keyboard

Click “Add UNIFYING Device” on the left side

Click “Details”.

On the keyboard, turn the power on and off

Go back to the screen, and if “MX Keys” is recognized in this section, it is OK!
Your receiver and keyboard are now connected.

If you go to this screen from the beginning and “MX KEYS” is connected, you are good to go.
If you want to add more devices to connect in the future, do the same thing again.

Up to 6 devices can be registered in the “Unifying Receiver” that comes with the MX KEYS.

4【Using PS5】After the connection is complete, let’s insert the USB receiver into the PS5.

Now, insert the USB receiver into the USB port of the PS5.
There is only one USB port on the PS5, so if you have other devices you want to use, you may need to buy a USB hub to add more ports.
If you have other devices that you want to use, you may need to buy a USB hub to increase the number of ports.

Once the keyboard is recognized and ready to use, you’re good to go!

Note: PS5 is not listed in the official specifications of the logicool keyboard side.

You can find “Specifications” at the bottom of the official page below.
Here, you can see what kind of devices you can use MX KEYS keyboard with.
But there is no mention of PS5.
You’ll be lucky if you can connect and use it! However, logicool will not provide any support for problems caused by unexpected use! But if you have any trouble using it in a way that logicool doesn’t expect, we won’t be able to help you!

Note: What if I don’t have a PC?

It seems that logi options can probably only be set up on a so-called PC such as “Mac”, “Windows”, “Chrome” or “Linux”!
I could not set up a receiver using logi options on my iPad!
If you don’t have a PC, you may want to borrow one from a friend to set it up for you…?
If you have a better idea, please let me know!

Tip: Bluetooth wireless connection will be overridden.

If you open “Easy -Switch” on Logi Options, you will see this
When you open “Easy -Switch” on Logi Options, you can see what Bluetooth is assigned to “1, 2, 3” of MX KEYS like this

At first, I thought that the PS5 would not be recognized because the three Bluetooth ports were filled, and there was no space for it. But Bluetooth is basically overwritten.
However, Bluetooth is basically overwritten, so you don’t need to worry about whether these spaces are filled or not.

Note: Someone from overseas has published a list of devices that worked with PS5.

A list of devices that have been confirmed to work with PS5 has been published on a forum-like site called Reddit.
It seems that each contributor has personally checked their own keyboard, but you may want to look for your own keyboard.
 If you open this page and press “Ctrl + F”, a search window will open in the upper right corner.
  When you open this page and press “Ctrl + F”, a search window will open in the upper right corner, and you can enter the name of the keyboard you want to check for compatibility with PS5 into the search window.

It says something similar to “MX KEYS was not compatible with wireless Bluetooth, but it was OK with Unifying receiver”.

In the article below, I’ve translated the content roughly and posted the Amazon links for each as far as I can tell.
I’ve also included a brief description of the differences between Logitech and Logicool, as well as the US and JIS keyboard layouts.

FYI: Looks like the PS4 could handle the same!

This is a PS4 question, but I seem to be getting the same results.(It’s in Japanese)

I hope this helps *It worked! Or if it didn’t work, or
If you have any questions, please let me know. If you have any questions, please let me know!

